M.Sc. in Engineering Information Technology w/ specialization in System Development
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
B.Sc. in Engineering Information Technology
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
software engineer – Axoflow Zrt.
software engineer – Cisco Systems, Inc.
development of Cisco MCOM (originally One Eye) Go, GraphQL, Kubernetes, Loki, OpenSearch, Prometheus
development of Logging operator Fluentbit, Fluentd, Go, Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry, Syslog-ng, WASM
senior software engineer – Banzai Cloud Zrt.
development of Banzai Cloud Pipeline Azure, Docker, Go, Kubernetes, Uber Cadence
development of One Eye Go, GraphQL, Kubernetes, Prometheus
software engineer – Balabit Europe Kft.
development and integration support of PAM product Akka, Python, RabbitMQ, Scala, XML
R&D assistant – BME Informatikai Központ
development of CIRCLE IaaS cloud Celery, Django, libvirt, Python
development of JPORTA online education portal Celery, Django, Python
senior software developer – Rubin Informatikai Zrt.
development of client software for self-service machines for Vodafone Zrt. .NET, C#, ReactiveX, SOAP, WPF
junior software developer – BME
development of client software for ticket vending machines for MÁV-START Zrt. .NET, C#, HTML, JavaScript, WCF
group leader – Schönherz KSzK
leading a game development themed extracurricular activity group, organizing and conducting meetings, presentations, workshops .NET, C#, SharpDX, XNA, networking
Natural Languages
Hungarian – mother tongue
English – fluent, intermediate certificate
Programming Languages
C, C++, C#, Clojure, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Python, Rust, Scala
Budapest, Hungary